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15.5.709 xmattach

xmattach, widget, ref_widget, left, right, top, bottom

[motif package] Attaches the widget with ID widget to another widget, indicated by ref_widget. If ref_widget is zero, then the current widget is attached to its parent, which should be a form widget; otherwise ref_widget must indicate a sibling widget (i.e., another widget from the same form widget parent). Parameters left, right, top, and bottom should be set to 1 to attach the corresponding side of the widget to the opposite side of the reference widget (e.g., the right side of the current widget to the left side of the reference widget), or to 0 to have no such attachment, or to -1 to attach to the corresponding side of the reference widget (e.g., the right side of the widget to the right side of the reference widget).

See also: xmattach_relative, xmform, xmtoplevel_form