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15.5.704 xloop


[x11] Window event manager. Waits for an event of the kind registered with xregister and returns information about the event. The event itself is kept in the queue and can be read with type-specific routines. If no specific event source was selected with xregister, then all sources (LUX and non-LUX) are monitored. If no specific event type was selected, then xloop returns immediately.

Information about the event is returned as follows:


returns the time.


returns the source, as the index of the menu or window plus either (= 512) or #event.window (= 256).


returns the event type (coded as the elements of #event).

!xroot, !yroot

return the root window coordinates, for buttonpress, keypress, and pointermotion events. The coordinates are counted in pixels from the upper left-hand corner of the screen.


returns the code of the pressed mouse button, for buttonpress events.

!keycode, !keystate, !keysym

returns identifiers for the pressed key, for keypress events.

!ix, !iy, !xf, !yf

return the coordinates of the mouse pointer in the LUX window, for buttonpress and pointermotion events. The coordinates are in the dev coordinate system for !ix and !iy, and in the dvi coordinate system for !xf and !yf.

!xmenu, !ymenu

return the coordinates of the mouse pointer in the menu item, for buttonpress events in menus. The coordinates are counted from the upper left-hand corner of the menu item.


returns the menu number for all menu-related events (not for pointermotion events).


returns the menu item number for menu-related buttonpress, enterwindow, and leavewindow events.

See also: !button, checkmenu, #event, !eventsource, !eventtype, !ix, !iy, !keycode, !keystate, !keysym, !last_menu, !menu_item, !noeventflush, wait_for_menu, !xf, !xmenu, xplace, xquery, xregister, !xroot, !xtime, !xtime, !yf, !ymenu, !yroot

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