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projection [, matrix, translate=translate,
rotate=rotate, scale=scale, perspective=perspective,
oblique=oblique] [, /reset, /original]
[develop package]
Sets, resets, or modifies the current
3d-transformation/projection. The following keywords and arguments are
always treated in the order in which they are mentioned here:
fills transformation matrix #p3d
with the identity
is a 16-element (4 by 4) matrix to be entered into #p3d
is a 3-element vector containing the coordinates of a translation vector.
for perspective projections is either a 3-element vector containing the relative screen coordinates of the center of the projection and the distance that the eye is behind the projection plane, or just the distance.
is a 3-element vector containing the rotation angles around the x, y, and z axis.
is a 3-element vector containing the scale factors in the x, y, and z directions.
is a 2-element vector for isometric projections (first element: size, second element: angle).
selects the original (data-cube related) coordinate system instead of the current (screen-related) coordinate system.
All arguments but matrix
may be specified by keyword.