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15.5.436 pn00

pn00, jdtt, dpsi, deps, epsa, rb, rp, rbp, rn, rbpn

[SOFA] Returns precession-nutation according to the IAU 2000 model for the specified TT Julian Date jdtt and nutation in longitude dpsi and obliquity deps, both in radians. The nutation values must be with respect to the equinox and ecliptic of date. The output parameters are the mean obliquity epsa, the frame bias matrix rb, the precession matrix rp, the bias-precession matrix rbp, the nutation matrix rn, and the GCRS-to-true matrix rbpn. epsa gets the same dimensions as jdtt. The remaining output variables get those same dimensions plus two extra dimensions equal to 3 prefixed.

See also: Astronomical Coordinate Calculations