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15.5.429 plot

plot [, xdata=xdata], ydata=ydata [, symbol=symbol, line=line, xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle, title=title, dashsize=dashsize, xerrors=xerrors, yerrors=yerrors, breaks=breaks, xbarsize=xbarsize, ybarsize=ybarsize, xfmt=xfmt, yfmt=yfmt] [, /dev, /dvi, /img, /plt, /rim, /rpl] [, /lii, /lio, /loi, /loo] [, /keep, /whole, /clipbars]

Produces a plot of ydata versus xdata.

xdata ydata

The x and y coordinates of the data points; they must be arrays. If xdata is not specified, then indgen(ydata) is assumed. If x and y have unequal numbers of elements, then the smallest number between the two is used, and excess elements are ignored.

xerrors yerrors

If xerrors is specified, then horizontal error bars are drawn on all points that have non-zero errors. Likewise, yerrors yields vertical error bars. These arguments must be arrays. xerrors and yerrors must have either as many elements as the smaller of x and y, or twice as many. In the first case, the error bar extends equally far on either side of the data point. In the second case, the errors array is interpreted as a two-dimensional array with 2 elements in its second dimension, and array(*,0) is taken for the extent above or to the left of the data point, and array(*,1) for the extent below or to the right of the data point.


The number of the symbol type with which the locations of the data points are indicated. See below.


The number of the line style with which the data points are connected. See below.

xbarsize ybarsize

Specify the vertical size of horizontal error bars and the horizontal size of vertical error bars, respectively. The values are copied into !plxerrb and !plyerrb and remain in effect until they are changed again.

xtitle ytitle

The labels for the x and y axes (strings). All strings that callig accepts are legal.


The label that goes above the plot (a string). All strings that callig accepts are legal.


The indices of the data points at which the plotted curve is broken, i.e. no connecting line is drawn to the next data point.


scales the size of the dashes in non-solid lines.

xfmt yfmt

specifies the output format for the labels along the horizontal and vertical axes, respectively (Formatted Input/Output). These formats default to %1g.

Only the relative order of arguments of the same data class (scalar, array, string) matters; i.e. plot, xtitle, ydata, xerrors, ytitle is a valid call.

The first 6 keywords are coordinate system keywords. The next four select a particular plot style: linear-linear (/lii), linear-logarithmic (/lio), logarithmic-linear (/loi), or logarithmic-logarithmic (/loo). The global variable !pltyp is adjusted accordingly, so the new plot style remains in effect until it is explicitly changed again. /keep suppresses clearing the device before drawing the plot. /whole suppresses drawing of lines between points that lie wholly outside of the plot window (though symbols may still be drawn at the positions where such lines cross the edges of the plot window). /clipbars selects clipping of error bars if they extend beyond the edges of the plot window.

In logarithmic plots, only positive values are considered, the ratio between the used plot limits is at least 10, labels are displayed at factors of 10 only, and minor tick marks are displayed at all integer multiples (up to 9) of the previous labeled tick mark’s label.

In bar plots (line style 20), two successive data points are connected by a horizontal segment at the y value of the first point and a vertical segment at the x value of the second point, and the last data point gets a horizontal segment at its y value extending over 1 data unit to the right of its x value.

See also: callig, oplot, !pltyp, !plxerrb, !plyerrb

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