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15.5.429.2 Global Variables Associated with plot

The following global variables are associated with and govern some aspects of a plot:


a scaling factor for the size of the dashes in the plot lines. Defaults to 1.

!dlabx, !dlaby

The number of minor tick marks per major (labeled) tick mark on the x and y axes if these are linear axes.


Determines the font to use for the plot labels. Defaults to 3 (roman sans serif).

!fz, !fzx

If set to zero, then make the x (!fzx) and y (!fz) axes start not higher than at 0 – unless appropriate explicit plot limits are set through limits. !fz defaults to 0, and !fzx to 1.

!fstepx, !fstepy

If set to zero, then the data value range per major tick mark is determined automatically; otherwise, it is taken from !stepx and !stepy, respectively.

!labx, !laby

If unequal to 0, then labels are drawn along the x and y axes. These default to 1.

!mxb, !mxt, !myb, !myt

The data values that correspond to the edges of the last drawn plot: the x axis ranged between !mxb and !mxt, and the y axis between !myb and !myt.


Determines whether the plot axes are linear or logarithmic, and whether a full plot box is drawn or only an x and an y axis. If !pltyp mod 4 is equal to 0, then a linear-linear plot is drawn; 1 yields a linear x - logarithmic y plot; 2 gives a logarithmic x - linear y plot; and 3 provides a logarithmic-logarithmic plot. If !pltyp is less than 4, then a full plot box is drawn. If !pltyp is greater than 3, then only the x and y axes are drawn.

!plxerrb, !plyerrb

Determine the size of the vertical (!plxerrb) and horizontal (!plyerrb) error bars, in rpl coordinates.

!rx, !ry

If these are set unequal to 0, and if the plot limits are determined from the data values, then some extra room is left between the corresponding plot edges and the nearest data points. They default to 1

!startx, !starty

The data values that correspond to the first labeled tick mark on the x and y axes. If a particular axis was logarithmic, then the corresponding variable is a logarithm to base 10.

!stepx, !stepy

The data values that correspond to the interval between labeled tick marks on the x and y axes. If a particular axis was logarithmic, then the corresponding variable is a logarithm to base 10.

!tickx, !ticky

The size of the major tick marks, in dvi coordinates. Positive sizes correspond to tick marks pointing into the plot, negative values correspond to tick marks pointing out of the plot. They default to 0.01.

!tickxr, !tickyr

The size of the minor tick marks, relative to the corrsponding major tick marks. They default to 0.5.

!wxb, !wxt, !wyb, !wyt

The coordinates of the edges of the plot window, measured in dvi coordinates. The lower left-hand corner of the plot window is at (!wxb,!wyb) and the upper right-hand corner at (!wxt,!wyt).

See also: plot, oplot, !dashsize, !dlabx, !dlaby, !font, !fz, !fzx, !labx, !laby, !mxb, !mxt, !myb, !myt, !pltyp, !plxerrb, !plyerrb, !rx, !ry, !startx, !starty, !stepx, !stepy, !tickx, !ticky, !tickxr, !tickyr, !wxb, !wxt, !wyb, !wyt

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