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pen [, width, gray] [, /standardgray]
Shows or sets the (integer) width
and (floating-point)
level of the plot pen. By default, the gray scale is
such that a gray level of 0 corresponds to the gray level of the
background color, and a gray level of 1 to the foreground gray level, so
that just after an erase
plotting something at gray level 0
yields no visible result. If you specify a gray value between 0 and 1,
then the pen color is set to the color out of the current LUX colormap
that is closest to the requested gray level.
There are separate gray scales for plotting to the Postscript file or to the screen, so that plotting at a gray level of 1 yields results with maximum contrast in both cases, even if the background of the images is black and that of the Postscript file white.
In particular, if set,/whitebackground
is set, then a gray value
of 0 or less corresponds in LUX windows to white and a gray value of 1
or more to black. If set,/whitebackground
is not set, then a
gray value of 0 or less corresponds to black in a LUX window and a gray
value of 1 or more to white.
a pen change affects output to the Postscript file as well as output in
the current LUX window (indicated by !window
), but not in other
LUX windows.
If /standardgray
is specified, then the used gray scale always
has the gray level of 0 correspond to black, and a gray level of 1 to
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