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15.5.294 gplot3d

gplot3d[, x, y], z [,xtitle=xtitle,ytitle=ytitle,ztitle=ztitle,title=title] [,rotx=rotx,rotz=rotz] [,contours=contours][,/flat] [,/lii,/lio,/loi,/loo] [,/liii,/lioi,/loii,/looi,/liio,/lioo,/loio,/looo]

Displays a 3D plot of 2D data set z via the gnuplot program.

If x and y are specified, then they provide the x and y coordinates for the columns and rows of z. They must be 1D data sets, with x having as many elements as the first dimension of z, and y having as many elements as the second dimension of z.

xtitle is the title for the x axis.

ytitle is the title for the y axis.

ztitle is the title for the z axis.

title is the main title, displayed above the plot.

rotx is the rotation angle (in degrees) around the x axis.

rotz is the rotation angle (in degrees) around the z axis (after applying the rotation around the x axis, if any).

contours specifies contour levels. If contours is a scalar equal to integer 1 (e.g., /contours), then it says to show automatically selected contours. Otherwise, if contours is a real scalar, then it specifies the desired number of contours to display, but the levels are selected automatically. Otherwise, if contours is an array, then it specifies the contour levels to use.

/flat requests an orthographic view from above; i.e., a flat image.

The options beginning with /l are followed by two or three letters that say whether the x, y, and z axes should be linear (i) or logarithmic (o). For example, /lio and /lioi select linear x and z axes and logarithmic y axis, and /looo selects logarithmic x, y, and z axes.

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