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15.5.118 cspline

cspline( [ xtab, ytab] [, xnew [, xnew2] ] [, /keep, /periodic, /akima, /getderivative, /getintegral])

Interpolates using splines.

cspline() clears the installed table of x and y coordinates.

cspline(xtab, ytab, /keep) installs a new table of x and y coordinates to interpolate in. xtab and ytab must have the same number of elements. The elements of xtab must be in ascending order with no duplicates. Because of /keep, the table is remembered for future use.

If /periodic is specified, then the data is periodic. Then the first and last ytab values must be equal, or else a discontinuity shows up.

If /akima is specified, then Akima splines are used instead of cubic splines.

cspline(xtab, ytab, xnew) interpolates at x coordinates xnew in the table defined by xtab and ytab. xnew may be a scalar or an array. If /keep is specified, too, then the table is remembered for future use.

cspline(xnew) interpolates at x coordinates xnew in the table installed earlier.

If /getderivative is specified, then instead of the value the derivative is returned.

cspline(xtab, ytab, a, b, /getintegral) and cspline(xtab, ytab, a, b) and cspline(a, b, /getintegral) return the integral of the interpolated curve between x coordinates a and b. a and b must have the same number of elements.

cspline(xtab, ytab, xnew, /getintegral) and csplne(xnew, /getintegral) return the integral of the interpolated curve between the smallest x coordinate in the table and xnew.

See also: cspline_extr, cspline_find, polate, table, tense, tense_curve, tense_loop