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15.5.429.1 Plot and Line Styles

The arguments to symbol and line must be integers between -9 and 29, inclusive.

The symbol and line styles are as follows. Styles 1 through 9 refer to symbols at the locations of the data points, connected by lines. The symbols are:

  1. dots (.)
  2. plus (+)
  3. times (x)
  4. box
  5. upward-pointing triangle
  6. diamond
  7. downward-pointing triangle
  8. four-line asterisk (+ and x combined)
  9. circle

Styles -9 to -1 refer to symbols at the locations of the data points, without connecting lines. The symbols are the same as for the corresponding positive numbers. Style 0 is invisible. Styles 10 through 19 refer to variously dotted and dashed lines connecting the data points. The styles are:

  1. short-dashed
  2. medium-dashed
  3. long-dashed
  4. dot-short-dashed
  5. dot-medium-dashed
  6. dotted
  7. dot-dot-dashed
  8. dot-dash-dashed
  9. dot-dot-dash-dashed
  10. short-medium-dashed

Style 20 refers to a bar-style plot in which successive data points are connected by a horizontal and a vertical line. Styles 21 through 29 refer again to symbols at the locations of the data points, connected by lines. The symbols are:

  1. e
  2. f
  3. g
  4. h
  5. i
  6. j
  7. k
  8. l
  9. m

You can use line to select the line style connecting the symbols selected with a positive symbol. By default, the symbols are connected by solid lines.

See also: plot, oplot