Next: LUX Disk File Formats, Previous: Keyboard/Screen I/O, Up: Data I/O Routines [Contents][Index]
Both output to and input from disk files is provided through associated
variables (created through subroutine assoc
) and file arrays
(created through subroutine fltfarr
and cousins), which behave to
some extent like ordinary data arrays.
Output to disk files is also provided through classical file operations,
such as opening disk files for writing (subroutines openw
), writing to disk files (subroutines printf
for formatted output, writeu
for unformatted
Input from disk files is likewise provided through opening disk files
for reading (subroutine openr
), reading from disk files
(subroutines readf
and freadf
for formatted input,
for unformatted input).
Also useful in these cases is repositioning the file pointer (subroutine
), closing disk files (subroutine close
), and
getting the disk file size (function filesize
In addition, LUX supports input and output of files according to various
standard formats, such as uncompressed GIF files (gifread
), lossy compressed JPEG files (jpegread
), FITS files with or without extensions
, fits_write
), and LUX’s own FZ format, which
comes in uncompressed (fzread
, fzwrite
) and compressed
flavors (fcwrite
). Unformatted files can be transformed into FZ
files, using filetofz
See also: assoc, Associated Variables, close, fileptr, filesize, filetofz, fits_read, fltfarr, fprintf, freadf, File Arrays, openr, openu, openw, printf, readf, readu, writeu, gifread, gifwrite, jpegread, jpegwrite, fzread, fzwrite, fcwrite