| Index Entry | | Section |
@ | | |
| @ statement: | | File Inclusion |
| @@ statement: | | File Inclusion |
A | | |
| Addition: | | Binary Arithmetic |
| Argument specification: | | Argument Specification |
| Arguments to functions and routines: | | Arguments |
| Arguments to the command invoking LUX: | | Command Line Arguments |
| Arguments, empty: | | Empty Arguments |
| Arguments, variable numbers of: | | Lists of Subscripts |
| Arithmetic, binary: | | Binary Arithmetic |
| Array compression routines: | | Array Data Compression |
| Array creation routines: | | Array Creation |
| Array manipulation routines: | | Array Manipulation |
| Arrays: | | Arrays |
| Arrays, combining: | | Combining Arrays |
| Arrays, extracting elements: | | Referencing Arrays |
| Arrays, file: | | File Arrays |
| Arrays, referencing elements: | | Referencing Arrays |
| Arrays, specifying: | | Specifying Arrays |
| Assignments: | | Assignment |
| Associated variables: | | Associated Variables |
| Astronomical routines: | | Astronomy and Calendars |
| Availability of routines, functions, and global variables: | | Packages |
B | | |
| B at end of hexadecimal numbers: | | Integer Numbers |
| Base 10 numbers: | | Integer Numbers |
| Base 16 numbers: | | Integer Numbers |
| Base 60 numbers: | | Floating-Point Numbers |
| Base 8 numbers: | | Integer Numbers |
| Batch mode: | | Batch Mode |
| BEGIN statement: | | Block Statement |
| Bessel functions: | | Bessel Functions |
| Bigendian machine: | | Byte Order |
| Binary arithmetic: | | Binary Arithmetic |
| Binary bounding: | | Binary Bounding |
| Binary logical conditional operators: | | Binary Conditionals |
| Binary logical operators: | | Binary Logic |
| Binary operators, logical: | | Binary Logic |
| Binary relational operators: | | Binary Relationals |
| Block routine definition: | | Block Routine Definition |
| Block routine execution: | | Block Routine Execution |
| Block statement: | | Block Statement |
| Bounding values: | | Binary Bounding |
| BREAK statement: | | BREAK Statement |
| Breaking lines: | | Line Breaks |
| Built-in functions/routines: | | Internal Routines |
| Byte order in multi-byte data formats: | | Byte Order |
| BYTE value: | | Numerical Data Types |
C | | |
| Calculator mode: | | Calculator Mode |
| Calendar routines: | | Astronomy and Calendars |
| Calling a function: | | Function Call |
| Calling a subroutine: | | Subroutine Call |
| CASE statement: | | CASE Statement |
| Classes of data: | | Data Classes |
| Closing disk files: | | Opening/Closing Files |
| Color routines: | | Color |
| Colors: | | Colors |
| Combining: | | Concatenation |
| Combining arrays: | | Combining Arrays |
| Combining subscripts: | | Multiple Subscripts |
| Command line arguments of the invoking command: | | Command Line Arguments |
| Command line input: | | Command Input |
| Comments: | | Ignoring Input |
| Compact Lists: | | Compact Lists |
| Comparing values: | | Binary Relationals |
| Complex Functions: | | Complex Functions |
| complex numbers: | | Complex Numbers |
| Compression, disk file I/O: | | Data-Compressed I/O |
| Concatenation: | | Concatenation |
| Conditional operators, binary logical: | | Binary Conditionals |
| Continuation of input lines: | | Command Input |
| CONTINUE statement: | | CONTINUE Statement |
| Conventions for font use: | | Conventions |
| Conversion of data types: | | Data Conversion |
| Conversion of numbers: | | Number Conversion |
| Conversion of strings: | | String Conversion |
| Conversion of texts: | | String Conversion |
| Coordinate subscripts: | | Coordinate Subscripts |
| Coordinates, screen: | | Screen Coordinates |
| Cosine transforms: | | Spectral Functions |
| Creating data variables: | | Data Creation |
| Creation, array: | | Array Creation |
| Creation, file array: | | File Array Creation |
D | | |
| Data classes: | | Data Classes |
| Data compression routines: | | Data Compression |
| Data conversion: | | Data Conversion |
| Data creation: | | Data Creation |
| Data I/O routines: | | Data I/O Routines |
| Data I/O routines: | | Data Input/Output |
| Data mapping: | | Data Mapping |
| Data types: | | Numerical Data Types |
| Data-compressed disk file I/O: | | Data-Compressed I/O |
| Debugging: | | Debugging |
| Debugging routines: | | Debug Routines |
| Decimal numbers: | | Integer Numbers |
| Definition of a function: | | Function Definition |
| Definition of block routine: | | Block Routine Definition |
| Definition of subroutine: | | Subroutine Definition |
| DEP coordinates: | | Screen Coordinates |
| DEV coordinates: | | Screen Coordinates |
| Device-dependent coordinates: | | Screen Coordinates |
| Device-independent coordinates: | | Screen Coordinates |
| Diagnostic output: | | Diagnostic Output |
| Discrete spectral transforms: | | Spectral Functions |
| Disk file arrays: | | File Arrays |
| Disk file associated variables: | | Associated Variables |
| Disk file byte order: | | Byte Order |
| Disk file I/O: | | Disk File I/O |
| Disk file I/O routines: | | Disk I/O |
| Disk file I/O, compressed: | | Data-Compressed I/O |
| Disk file, uncompressed input routines: | | Uncompressed Disk Input |
| Disk files, opening/closing: | | Opening/Closing Files |
| Disk files, uncompressed output routines: | | Uncompressed Disk Output |
| Displaying images: | | Image Display |
| Distributions, statistical: | | Statistical Functions |
| Division: | | Binary Arithmetic |
| DO-WHILE statement: | | DO-WHILE Statement |
| Double precision floating-point numbers: | | Floating-Point Numbers |
| DOUBLE value: | | Numerical Data Types |
| DVI coordinates: | | Screen Coordinates |
E | | |
| Element selection: | | Subscripts |
| Element, list: | | Structure/List Element |
| Element, structure: | | Structure/List Element |
| Elements, extracting array: | | Referencing Arrays |
| Empty arguments: | | Empty Arguments |
| END statement: | | Block Statement |
| Environment variables: | | Environment |
| Equal to: | | Binary Relationals |
| Error messages: | | Error Messages |
| Escape codes: | | Escape Codes |
| Evaluating a function: | | Function Call |
| Event routines: | | Events |
| Examples of input formats: | | Input Format Examples |
| Executing a subroutine: | | Subroutine Call |
| Execution of block routine: | | Block Routine Execution |
| EXIT statement: | | EXIT/QUIT Statement |
| Exiting LUX: | | Start & Stop |
| Exponential functions: | | Exponential/Logarithmic Functions |
| Expression subscripts: | | Expression Subscripts |
| Expressions: | | Expressions |
| Extracting array elements: | | Referencing Arrays |
F | | |
| Field widths in formats: | | Format Field Width |
| File array creation routines: | | File Array Creation |
| File arrays: | | File Arrays |
| File inclusion: | | File Inclusion |
| File, disk I/O routines: | | Disk I/O |
| Fitting functions: | | Fitting |
| FLOAT value: | | Numerical Data Types |
| Floating-point numbers: | | Floating-Point Numbers |
| Font use in the manual: | | Conventions |
| FOR statement: | | FOR Statement |
| Format field width: | | Format Field Width |
| Format modifiers: | | Format Modifiers |
| Format precision specification: | | Format Precision |
| Formats for data input: | | Input Data Formats |
| Formats for data output: | | Output Data Formats |
| Formats, field width: | | Format Field Width |
| Formats, input examples: | | Input Format Examples |
| Formats, input types: | | Input Format Types |
| Formats, precision: | | Format Precision |
| Formatted I/O: | | Formatted Input/Output |
| Fourier transforms: | | Spectral Functions |
| Fractional subscripts: | | Fractional Subscripts |
| Function call: | | Function Call |
| Function definition: | | Function Definition |
| Function evaluation: | | Function Call |
| Function fitting: | | Fitting |
| Function groups: | | Routine Groups |
| Function, status: | | Status Funcs |
| Function, system: | | Status Funcs |
| Functions calling themselves: | | Recursion |
| Functions, argument specification: | | Argument Specification |
| Functions, arguments: | | Arguments |
| Functions, internal: | | Internal Routines |
G | | |
| GIF compression: | | Data-Compressed I/O |
| Global variabes, read-write: | | Read-Write Global Vars |
| Global variables: | | Global Variables |
| Global variables, read-only: | | Read-Only Globals |
| Grammar of LUX: | | Syntax |
| Graphics: | | Graphics |
| Graphs: | | Plots and Graphs |
| Greater than: | | Binary Relationals |
| Greater than or equal to: | | Binary Relationals |
| Gregorian calendar: | | Astronomy and Calendars |
| Group of statements: | | Block Statement |
| Groups of expressions: | | Compact Lists |
| Groups of numbers: | | Arrays |
| Groups of routines: | | Routine Groups |
| Groups of strings: | | Arrays |
| Groups of tagged expressions: | | Lists |
H | | |
| Help routines: | | Help Routines |
| Hexadecimal numbers: | | Integer Numbers |
| Hilbert transforms: | | Spectral Functions |
| History of LUX: | | History |
| Hyperbolic functions: | | Hyperbolic Functions |
I | | |
| I/O routines: | | Data Input/Output |
| IF statement: | | IF Statement |
| IGNORE statement: | | Ignoring Input |
| Ignoring input: | | Ignoring Input |
| Image coordinates: | | Screen Coordinates |
| Image display: | | Image Display |
| imaginary numbers: | | Complex Numbers |
| IMG coordinates: | | Screen Coordinates |
| In-line print formats: | | In-Line Print Formats |
| Including a file as LUX input: | | File Inclusion |
| Index subscripts: | | Index Subscripts |
| Information routines: | | Information |
| Initialization file: | | Start & Stop |
| Inner-style subscript combination: | | Multiple Subscripts |
| Input continuation: | | Command Input |
| Input data formats: | | Input Data Formats |
| Input format examples: | | Input Format Examples |
| Input format types: | | Input Format Types |
| Input formatting: | | Formatted Input/Output |
| Input from disk files: | | Disk File I/O |
| Input from keyboard: | | Keyboard/Screen I/O |
| Input from tape: | | Tape File I/O |
| Input from the keyboard: | | Command Input |
| Input routines from tape: | | Tape I/O |
| Input routines from the keyboard: | | User I/O |
| Input to LUX: | | Input/Output |
| Input, data routines: | | Data Input/Output |
| Input, uncompressed from disk files: | | Uncompressed Disk Input |
| Input/Output routines: | | Data I/O Routines |
| Inserting into Lists: | | Structure Insertion |
| Inserting into Ranges: | | Structure Insertion |
| Inserting into Structures: | | Structure Insertion |
| Inserting using subscripts: | | Subscript Insertion |
| Inserting values: | | Insertion |
| Inspecting the system: | | System Inspection |
| Inspecting variables: | | Variable Inspection |
| Installing LUX: | | Installing LUX |
| INT value: | | Numerical Data Types |
| INT64 value: | | Numerical Data Types |
| Integer numbers: | | Integer Numbers |
| Internal functions/routines: | | Internal Routines |
| Interpolating functions: | | Interpolation |
| Islamic calendar: | | Astronomy and Calendars |
J | | |
| JPEG compression: | | Data-Compressed I/O |
| Julian caledar: | | Astronomy and Calendars |
| Julian date: | | Astronomy and Calendars |
| Jump statements: | | Jumps |
| Jump to end of loop: | | BREAK Statement |
| Jump to start of loop: | | CONTINUE Statement |
K | | |
| Key code overview: | | Key Code Overview |
| Keyboard I/O routines: | | User I/O |
| Keyboard input: | | Command Input |
| Keyboard input: | | Keyboard/Screen I/O |
| Keystroke overview: | | Key Code Overview |
| Keyword arguments: | | Argument Specification |
| Keyword assignment: | | Argument Specification |
L | | |
| Less than: | | Binary Relationals |
| Less than or equal to: | | Binary Relationals |
| Line breaks: | | Line Breaks |
| Line plot routines: | | Plots |
| List element: | | Structure/List Element |
| Lists: | | Lists |
| Lists as subscripts: | | Lists of Subscripts |
| Lists of tagged expressions: | | Lists |
| Lists, combining: | | Concatenation |
| Literal text: | | Strings |
| Littleendian machine: | | Byte Order |
| Local variables: | | Local Variables |
| Logarithmic functions: | | Exponential/Logarithmic Functions |
| Logical AND: | | Binary Logic |
| Logical AND, conditional: | | Binary Conditionals |
| Logical binary operators: | | Binary Logic |
| Logical exclusive-OR: | | Binary Logic |
| Logical operators, binary conditional: | | Binary Conditionals |
| Logical OR: | | Binary Logic |
| Logical OR, conditional: | | Binary Conditionals |
| LONG value: | | Numerical Data Types |
| Loop statement until condition at end: | | REPEAT Statement |
| Loop statement while condition at end: | | DO-WHILE Statement |
| Loop statement while condition at start: | | WHILE-DO Statement |
| Loop statement, fixed: | | FOR Statement |
| Lower bound: | | Binary Bounding |
| LUX grammar: | | Syntax |
| LUX input from a file: | | File Inclusion |
| LUX syntax: | | Syntax |
| LUXDIR: | | Environment |
| LUXDRIVE: | | Environment |
| LUXFONTSDIR: | | Environment |
| LUX_PATH: | | Environment |
M | | |
| Main level, return to: | | RETALL Statement |
| Manipulation, array: | | Array Manipulation |
| Mapping to different data types: | | Data Mapping |
| Mathematical filters: | | Filters |
| Mathematical functions: | | Math Routines |
| Mathematical routines: | | Math Routines |
| Matrix mathematics: | | Matrix Math |
| Maximum, routines dealing with: | | Filters |
| Mayan calendar: | | Astronomy and Calendars |
| Menus: | | Menus |
| Minimum, routines dealing with: | | Filters |
| Minus, unary: | | Unary Minus |
| Modification assignment: | | Operand-Assignment |
| Modifiers of text formats: | | Format Modifiers |
| Modulus: | | Binary Arithmetic |
| Multiple subscripts: | | Multiple Subscripts |
| Multiplication: | | Binary Arithmetic |
N | | |
| Named variables: | | Variables |
| NCASE statement: | | NCASE Statement |
| Newlines: | | Line Breaks |
| Not equal to: | | Binary Relationals |
| Number conversion: | | Number Conversion |
| Numbers: | | Numerical Data Types |
| numbers, complex: | | Complex Numbers |
| Numbers, integer: | | Integer Numbers |
| Numbers, random: | | Random Arrays |
| Numerical arrays: | | Arrays |
| Numerical arrays, combining: | | Combining Arrays |
| Numerical arrays, referencing elements: | | Referencing Arrays |
| Numerical arrays, referencing elements: | | Referencing Arrays |
| Numerical arrays, specifying: | | Specifying Arrays |
| Numerical data types: | | Numerical Data Types |
O | | |
| Octal numbers: | | Integer Numbers |
| Opening disk files: | | Opening/Closing Files |
| Operand assignment: | | Operand-Assignment |
| Operators: | | Operators |
| Options, specified when starting LUX: | | Command Line Arguments |
| Other variables, pointers to: | | Pointers |
| Ouput, data routines: | | Data Input/Output |
| Outer-style subscript combination: | | Multiple Subscripts |
| Output data formats: | | Output Data Formats |
| Output format for each data type: | | In-Line Print Formats |
| Output formatting: | | Formatted Input/Output |
| Output routines to screen: | | User I/O |
| Output routines to tape: | | Tape I/O |
| Output to disk files: | | Disk File I/O |
| Output to screen: | | Keyboard/Screen I/O |
| Output to tape: | | Tape File I/O |
| Output, Postscript: | | Postscript |
| Output, uncompressed to disk files: | | Uncompressed Disk Output |
P | | |
| Packages of routines, functions, and global variables: | | Packages |
| Parameters of functions and routines: | | Arguments |
| Parameters, empty: | | Empty Arguments |
| Parameters, specifying values for: | | Argument Specification |
| Parser errors: | | Error Messages |
| Plot coordinates: | | Screen Coordinates |
| Plot routines, line: | | Plots |
| Plots: | | Plots and Graphs |
| PLT coordinates: | | Screen Coordinates |
| Plus, unary: | | Unary Plus |
| Pointers to other variables: | | Pointers |
| Postscript routines: | | Postscript |
| Power functions: | | Spectral Functions |
| Power taking of expressions: | | Binary Arithmetic |
| Precision in formats: | | Format Precision |
| Program flow, tracing: | | Tracing |
| Pseudo-random numbers: | | Random Arrays |
Q | | |
| QUIT statement: | | EXIT/QUIT Statement |
| Quitting LUX: | | Start & Stop |
| Quotes: | | Strings |
R | | |
| Random numbers: | | Random Arrays |
| Range subscripts: | | Range Subscripts |
| Ranges: | | Ranges |
| Ranges, restricting values to: | | Binary Bounding |
| Read-only global variables: | | Read-Only Globals |
| Read-write global variables: | | Read-Write Global Vars |
| Reading LUX input from a file: | | File Inclusion |
| Recording LUX output: | | Diagnostic Output |
| Recursion: | | Recursion |
| Reference Manual: | | Reference Manual |
| Referencing array elements: | | Referencing Arrays |
| Relational operators, binary: | | Binary Relationals |
| Relative image coordinates: | | Screen Coordinates |
| Relative plot coordinates: | | Screen Coordinates |
| REPEAT statement: | | REPEAT Statement |
| Reserved keywords: | | Reserved Keywords |
| Restricting values to ranges: | | Binary Bounding |
| RESUME statement: | | Ignoring Input |
| RETALL statement: | | RETALL Statement |
| Return to main level: | | RETALL Statement |
| Rice compression: | | Data-Compressed I/O |
| RIM coordinates: | | Screen Coordinates |
| Routine definition: | | Subroutine Definition |
| Routine groups: | | Routine Groups |
| Routine, main level: | | Block Routine Definition |
| Routines calling themselves: | | Recursion |
| Routines, argument specification: | | Argument Specification |
| Routines, arguments: | | Arguments |
| Routines, internal: | | Internal Routines |
| RPL coordinates: | | Screen Coordinates |
| RUN statement: | | Block Routine Execution |
| Running LUX in the background: | | Batch Mode |
| Running LUX unconnected to a terminal: | | Batch Mode |
| Running LUX, routines dealing with: | | Running |
S | | |
| Scalars: | | Scalars |
| Screen coordinates: | | Screen Coordinates |
| Screen I/O routines: | | User I/O |
| Screen output: | | Keyboard/Screen I/O |
| Seeking routines: | | Seek |
| Selecting elements from groups: | | Subscripts |
| Sets of expressions: | | Compact Lists |
| Sets of numbers: | | Arrays |
| Sets of strings: | | Arrays |
| Sets of tagged expressions: | | Lists |
| Sexagesimal numbers: | | Floating-Point Numbers |
| Shell command line arguments for LUX: | | Command Line Arguments |
| Simple assignment: | | Straight Assignment |
| Sine transforms: | | Spectral Functions |
| Single numbers: | | Scalars |
| Single precision floating-point numbers: | | Floating-Point Numbers |
| Smoothing functions: | | Smoothing |
| Smoothing routines: | | Filters |
| Sorting routines: | | Sorting |
| Specification of arguments: | | Argument Specification |
| Specifying arrays: | | Specifying Arrays |
| Spectral transform functions: | | Spectral Functions |
| Stack routines: | | Stack |
| Start-up file: | | Start & Stop |
| Starting LUX: | | Start & Stop |
| Statement group: | | Block Statement |
| Statement selection by condition: | | CASE Statement |
| Statement selection by number: | | NCASE Statement |
| Statements: | | Statements |
| Statistical distributions: | | Statistical Functions |
| Statistical routines: | | Statistical Functions |
| Status functions: | | Status Funcs |
| Status of the system: | | System Inspection |
| Stepping through statements: | | Stepping |
| Stopping LUX: | | Start & Stop |
| String arrays: | | Arrays |
| String arrays, combining: | | Combining Arrays |
| String arrays, extracting elements: | | Referencing Arrays |
| String arrays, extracting elements: | | Referencing Arrays |
| String arrays, specifying: | | Specifying Arrays |
| String conversion: | | String Conversion |
| String routines: | | String Routines |
| Strings: | | Strings |
| Strings, combining: | | Concatenation |
| Structure element: | | Structure/List Element |
| Structures as subscripts: | | Lists of Subscripts |
| Structures, combining: | | Concatenation |
| Subroutine call: | | Subroutine Call |
| Subroutine definition: | | Subroutine Definition |
| Subroutine, main level: | | Block Routine Definition |
| Subroutines calling themselves: | | Recursion |
| Subroutines, argument specification: | | Argument Specification |
| Subroutines, arguments: | | Arguments |
| Subscripted expressions: | | Expression Subscripts |
| Subscripts: | | Subscripts |
| Subscripts, coordinate: | | Coordinate Subscripts |
| Subscripts, fractional: | | Fractional Subscripts |
| Subscripts, index: | | Index Subscripts |
| Subscripts, inserting using: | | Subscript Insertion |
| Subscripts, lists of: | | Lists of Subscripts |
| Subscripts, multiple: | | Multiple Subscripts |
| Subscripts, range: | | Range Subscripts |
| Subscripts, variable numbers of: | | Lists of Subscripts |
| Subtraction: | | Binary Arithmetic |
| Syntax errors: | | Error Messages |
| Syntax of LUX: | | Syntax |
| System functions: | | Status Funcs |
| System inspection: | | System Inspection |
| System routines: | | System |
T | | |
| Tagged expressions, sets of: | | Lists |
| Taking the power of expressions: | | Binary Arithmetic |
| Tape file I/O: | | Tape File I/O |
| Tape I/O routines: | | Tape I/O |
| Text conversion: | | String Conversion |
| Text format modifiers: | | Format Modifiers |
| Topology routines: | | Topology |
| Tracing execution: | | Tracing |
| Trigonometric functions: | | Trigonometry |
| Types of input formats: | | Input Format Types |
| Typographical conventions: | | Conventions |
U | | |
| Unary minus: | | Unary Minus |
| Unary plus: | | Unary Plus |
| Uncompressed disk file input routines: | | Uncompressed Disk Input |
| Uncompressed disk file output routines: | | Uncompressed Disk Output |
| Undefined variable: | | Undefined |
| Unequal to: | | Binary Relationals |
| Upper bound: | | Binary Bounding |
V | | |
| Values: | | Expressions |
| Variable inspection: | | Variable Inspection |
| Variable numbers of subscripts: | | Lists of Subscripts |
| Variables: | | Variables |
| Variables local to a routine/function: | | Local Variables |
| Variables, associated with disk file: | | Associated Variables |
| Variables, global: | | Global Variables |
| Variables, global read-only: | | Read-Only Globals |
| Variables, global read-write: | | Read-Write Global Vars |
W | | |
| WHILE-DO statement: | | WHILE-DO Statement |
| Width of fields in formats: | | Format Field Width |
| Window routines, X: | | Windows |
| WORD value: | | Numerical Data Types |
| Words, reserved: | | Reserved Keywords |
X | | |
| X-window events: | | Events |
| X-window menus: | | Menus |
| X-window routines: | | Windows |
| X11 coordinates: | | Screen Coordinates |